For the Town of Red Hook


Rates & Supply Options

rates are in $/kWh

Customer TypeTerm Available
Renewable Fixed Rate1
HVCP 50%
Renewable Fixed Rate1
Price To Compare2
July 2023-June 2025
Small Commercial
July 2023-June 2025

NOTE: The HVCP50% Renewable Fixed Rate Option includes50% electricity supply matched by Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) provided by New York State renewable power plants (hydropower, wind, solar). The remaining 50% is matched by RECs sourced from other U.S. renewable electricity sources, but are not tracked or verified by the NYS Department of Public Service. The 50% Renewable Option is not counted as 100% renewable by New York State. Standard supply is a mixture of fossil fuels, nuclear, and some renewable energy.

Price Stability 
Effective July 1, 2023, program participants pay fixed rates for electricity.3

All eligible residents and small business electricity customers are automatically enrolled. No action is required. Should you not wish to participate, you may opt out of the program without incurring cancellation fees or penalties. Those who opt out will receive electricity supply from Central Hudson at the variable market rate.4

50% Renewable Option
If you wish to participate in the program but don’t want the 100% NYS renewable supply option by default, you may still obtain a fixed rate by choosing the 50% renewable option.


1. Does not include Gross Receipts Tax (GRT). If applicable, GRT will be applied to your bill.
2. Central Hudson 12-month trailing average for July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024 as defined by the Public Service Commission.
3. There's no guarantee that the CCA fixed rate will be lower than the monthly variable Central Hudson rate in a given month or over the life of the program.
4. Time-of-use customers, those who have selected an alternative supplier and those with a block on their account will not be automatically enrolled.